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Манай компани нь Ross Video компанийн Монгол улс дахь албан ёсны онцгой эрхт түншээр 2013 оноос хойш ажиллаж байгаа бөгөөд тус үйлдвэрлэгч нарын бүтээгдэхүүн шийдлийг Монгол улсын олон телевиз студиудэд нийлүүлж суурилуулаад байна.

Компанийн тухайд

Ross powers video productions for billions of global viewers daily with the industry’s widest range of smart production solutions. Ross makes it easy to create compelling news, weather and sports broadcasts, engaging material for sports stadium screens, entertainment shows and rock concerts, educational institutions, legislative assemblies, corporate applications and inspiring content for houses of worship.

John Ross founded Ross Video in 1974 in his basement in Montreal, Canada. John sold the World War II trainer airplane he had painstakingly rebuilt over a two-year period for $3,500 and used the money as seed capital to start the company. To this day, this is the only investment that has been made in Ross Video, which has been self-funded since then, growing organically through reinvestment of profits from operations. Acquisitions have also been funded without external venture capital. David Ross, John’s son and Ross Video’s Chief Executive Officer, now owns 90 percent of Ross Video. Company employees own the remaining 10 percent.